Madison Paige Levinson


2 3/4 YEARS | 2 1/2 YEARS | 2 YEARS | 21 Months | 16 Months | 1 YEAR OLD | 11 months | 9 months | 6 months | Birth Photos | Mom | Dad | Grandparents | 11 Weeks Old | Friends | 4 months | Nova Scotia | Bar Harbor
6 months

The first six months have brought about a lot of changes. I eat three meals a day of solid food and can pretty much sleep right through the night (8PM-5AM). Here are my latest stats (Just shy of 7 months). Height - 27-3/4 inches (What do you expect, both of my parents are 6 footers) and my weight is 19 pounds, 4 ounces. As you can see below, I can sit up all by myself now, but I am still working on how to crawl.

I really love to smile and laugh, these are two of my favorite things to do!


This was a tough action shot, and took several takes to get it right for the camera.


Page 105 of the How to be a baby book states that I should put everything in my mouth.


This picture shows off my natural beauty.
