Madison Paige Levinson


2 3/4 YEARS | 2 1/2 YEARS | 2 YEARS | 21 Months | 16 Months | 1 YEAR OLD | 11 months | 9 months | 6 months | Birth Photos | Mom | Dad | Grandparents | 11 Weeks Old | Friends | 4 months | Nova Scotia | Bar Harbor
4 months

At four months of age I have grown into my own little person. I have started to discover my voice and I can squeal louder than all of the other kids at daycare. I smile a lot now and can even giggle and laugh (Only my Dad seems to make me laugh, probably because he is so silly). I am starting to eat solid food (Rice cereal and applesauce) except more of it ends up ON me than IN me!

I LOVE my bathtime. After my bath I have a bottle and then go right off to bed, where I can now sleep through the whole night without getting hungry.



Smiling and sucking my thumb are two of my favorite passtimes.




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